There’s a reason superheroes are so popular. We dream of flying and supernatural feats. What if there’s another reality where our minds and body can do more?
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People who have had near-death experiences report that their mind, senses, and body were able to do extraordinary things beyond the limits of this world. Vision capable of seeing vast distances or zooming in to a microscopic level. Having incredible energy and never getting tired. Hovering or flying. Unbridled creativity and deeper knowledge. What are we truly capable of?
Most of us have dreamed about flying or doing a number of things our limited human bodies simply can’t do in this world. It’s no surprise superhero and comic-based movies are so popular. Our imaginations far outpace our abilities. But what if there really was a world that didn’t stifle our imaginations but allowed us to go even further?
What if there is a reality where imagination and ability are interwoven? Well, many NDErs have experienced such a world. It’s a place where mind and might are one. Although they report a great deal of overlap between this world and the one they visited, the heavenly realm expands the abilities of the mind, senses, and body. They are able to do what they could hardly have imagined in our earthly realm. It is as though this world is a 2-D picture compared to the 3-D world where they traveled.
The vision to see more.
Having incredible vision is perhaps the most common difference experienced in that realm. Across a diverse range of experiences, they often report being able to see 360 degrees. While still possessing the ability to focus their sight as we experience it now, they are able to experience the world in a rich and unrestricted way, not limited by the eyes and physics of this world. This new vision also includes x-ray type and telescopic zooming. By simply thinking or focusing, they are able to see great distances or microscopically, seeing the object in focus as though it were right in front of their face. Additionally, objects do not impede their incredible vision. They can simply see right through them. Beyond just new mechanics, many describe being able to see new colors. The whole world itself seems to radiate light and color they can hardly put into words. They even experience light brighter than the sun without pain or issue. It is actually pleasurable and fascinating.
The ability to do more.
What about our bodies, though? Much like new vision, NDErs report there is no tiredness or fatigue. They enjoy leisure, however they also express energy and vitality unlike anything in this life. They can do anything or go anywhere without needing to stop or rest. Life is fully available and unrestricted by the limitations of mere physical bodies, as ours are now. They move or hover or fly by simply thinking about it. They communicate by speaking freely or by simply thinking. They know things they had never learned formally. They are totally free and equipped to experience life and reality. Yet, surprisingly, it is not at all boring. There is always more to learn or do. Unlike the struggle of work here, work is joyful and revolves around their passions. It is not labor to survive but work to fully experience these new abilities and community. Creativity is magnified and unrestricted.
Our true identity and purpose.
The new body compared to our body now is like a tent compared to a glorious house. However, they discuss not losing their identity among all these differences, but truly finding themselves. Although our identity in this life is tarnished by so many external elements–things we’ve done or had done to us–the new world is rooted in love and peace. Our identity and purpose are fully realized and able to be lived without restriction. Fear and anxiety are no longer the status quo. Instead, the world revolves around giving, receiving, and experiencing divine love in ways we can’t even begin to imagine in this world.
of NDErs report experiencing heightened senses.

“He took my hand and we flew; it was like we had this wave of light under our feet.”
“He took my hand and we flew; it was like we had this wave of light under our feet.”

NDErs often recount that people they cared about who had already passed away appear and greet them like a welcoming committee full of joy and warmth.
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More than one thousand accounts of near-death experiences shaped the insights in this book by New York Times best-selling author, John Burke. If you’ve lost a loved one, received a frightening diagnosis, or wondered about what happens after death, this concise look at the life to come will bring you hope and reassurance.
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