Science and medicine all agree: every single human being on this planet not only wants, but needs to be loved. We’re wired for love.
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People who have had a near-death experience often talk about an incredible, unconditional love coming from a Being of pure, bright light in a human form. This Being most often appears as a radiant man dressed in white robes, barefoot, with long brown hair and beard with piercing, but kind eyes. In his presence, they felt so completely loved, they didn’t want to leave because this love was so far beyond anything they had ever experienced on Earth. It completely met a deep human need to be loved.
Science and medicine all agree, every single human being on this planet not only wants but needs to be loved. We’re wired for love.
So, it’s interesting that NDErs who had a positive near-death experience talk about an incredible, other-worldly kind of unconditional love that comes from a Being of pure, bright light. Based on their reports, this Being of light is the source of the love and power they experience and emanates warmth, comfort, and peace. Though this light was able to see into the deepest, darkest parts of their souls, there was no condemnation, only an overwhelming sense of acceptance, love, and compassion.
Some say this light healed them of hurt and sorrow and pain. Some describe the light as full of joy and laughter. They all describe the light as personal. They say when a voice came from the light, it was both powerful and gentle, and seemed to come from everywhere all at once, speaking to each person individually, welcoming them warmly, making them feel loved and accepted. One NDEr even describes hearing a type of singing coming from the light—like a love song to every person, all at once.[i]
Meeting a man of light.
Many also describe a Man of Light—a light-filled Being in a human form. NDErs who describe this Being agree that he appears as a radiant man dressed in white robes, barefoot, with long brown hair and beard and piercing, but kind eyes. This description does not waver. These same details are consistent from people across cultures from East to West, across different religions, and not affiliating with any religion. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, and atheists all report seeing a similar-looking man, separate from the Being of light and love, but also full of light and love. They say this man speaks to them personally and has a beautiful, majestic voice that many describe as being like the sound of rushing water. Many NDErs describe him holding a book of accounts and/or standing by the entrance to “heaven”. Most identify this man as Jesus, even if they are not Christians. One atheist even reports that He said to her, “I am Jesus, the One you denied. I came to save you, to make you a happy person.”[ii] A Hindu man described hearing Him say, “I am the God you are seeking. I am the God of light. My name is Jesus.”[iii]
Every NDEr says that they felt so completely loved, they didn’t want to leave because this love was so far beyond any feelings they had ever experienced on earth. It completely met a deep human need to be loved. All positive NDErs say that love was a central message of their experience. When they went through their life review and were asked what they had done with their life, it was always focused on the importance of loving others. Some NDErs say that the Being of light and love told them how deeply known and loved they were and/or asked them, “Do you love Me?” Many NDErs describe a relationship with this Being that was so intimate that they felt at one with Him in a way that they never could have imagined with a human being.
Science discovers new phenomenon every day.
These experiences agree with what much of science tells about consciousness, connectedness, and extra-dimensions in the universe. They also mirror much of what is described about the place called “heaven” in the Holy Bible. We learn more every day about things previously unseen and unknown from our human perspective, so shouldn’t we also consider the possibility that there really is a God who loves us completely and unconditionally and that this God wants a personal relationship with us? Maybe we just haven’t seen Him yet?
If these people are correct in their assessment of what comes after this life, then perhaps it is time to start a conversation with the man-God known as Jesus and explore how a personal relationship with Him gives us access to the ultimate God of love and light. If being completely accepted and loved unconditionally is what happens when you know God personally, the only question that remains is, do you want to be loved like this?
[i] Kristen Weir, “The Lasting Impact of Neglect” American Psychological Association, p. 157
{ii}p. 146
[iii] p. 166
of NDErs experience an unearthly, beautiful, mystical light.

“Everything was illuminated. I felt His face and His arm was around me.”
“Everything was illuminated. I felt His face and His arm was around me.”

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